Josh’s New Home

Good News Stories > Josh’s New Home | Author Julie Robinson | Mar 29, 2022



Your Path Your Way Support Coordination team would like to congratulate Josh on his big win in meeting his housing goal.
Josh has moved out of his old accommodation of 10 years into his new home, and he loves it.
Unique Care Support Services Tommy has done an amazing job in supporting Josh in his new home. Josh loves to watch the footy and is enjoying the new season start up.
Josh has embraced his new environment ensuring it is clean and all chores are completed.
Congratulations Josh and well done to the Your Path Your Way team in supporting Josh to reach his full potential.

Justine Capell

Justine Capell

Tel: 0407-972-070
I have worked in the disability and mental health sector for 17 years.

  • Direct support
  • Mental health
  • Social education
  • Local area coordinator
  • Program manager
  • Team leader

I have a passion for building capacity and working alongside you to reach your individual goals in a way that works best for you.

I understand complexities and have a holistic approach to the supports I deliver.

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